June 5, 2022

Contact your Member of Parliament to remind them this ban will not have the positive impact promised, and will only waste resources that could be better used elsewhere, while hurting small businesses and players across the country.d yet but if this bill becomes law, airsoft will cease to exist in Canada as it does today.
Contact your Member of Parliament to remind them this ban will not have the positive impact promised, and will only waste resources that could be better used elsewhere while hurting small businesses and players across the country.
What can I do?
Step 1: Find your Member of Parliament (your MP) - https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en. Your MP is your representative to the government, and it is their job to bring your concerns to the government.
Visit our airsoft facts guide here - www.savingairsoft.ca/post/airsoft-facts - to help you discuss airsoft.
Step 2: Contact your MP
Visit them at their constituency office
After June 25, 2022 Parliament will take its summer break. Your MP will be at their constituency office for the summer, and you can schedule a visit to discuss your concerns with them. You may even be able to walk in off the street, but remember that they may have a busy schedule while on summer break.
Call them
You can arrange a phone call with your MP if you feel more comfortable that way or if they're not available to visit. You may also end up speaking with a representative, so following up your conversation in writing so that none of your points are lost would be a good idea.
Write them
Writing a letter or email can provide your MP with the written details that they can share with the government on your behalf. We've provided a guide to writing your MP here - www.savingairsoft.ca/post/a-form-letter-to-your-mp. Writing emails and letters is an important part of this process, especially when you receive a response that gives us some answers about what's going on behind the scenes. If you do get a response, you can share it with Airsoft in Canada.
Overall, speaking with your MP in person can have an out-sized impact on their opinions. Remind them that the resources used to come after airsoft could be much better used for programs and policies that will actually benefit Canadians, such as increased funding for mental health support, opportunities for low-income Canadians for higher paying jobs, and an end to boil water advisories on reserves and in Northern communities.
If your MP gets several visits from people that are upset about the airsoft ban included in Bill C-21, they may bring this information back with them to Parliament and ask "why was airsoft included in this bill?"